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The non-secular view of single

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My wife and I are having financial problems
Sister was rude to my husband in our home
My husband had a baby with another woman
My neighbor is flirting with my husband
My wife has a terrible temper
I Married The Wrong Man
My Husband Did Not Defend Me
My husband hates my family
My wife and brother-in-law are too close to each other
My Husband Had an Affair With a Coworker
Daughter does not approve of mother's relationship
Woman who my husband had an affair with continues to contact him
  know for a fact that some of them aren¿t exactly happy. But they push through it all. They stay in the relationship for better or for worse which is the point right? I¿ve been told on occasion that I lead a wonderful life ¿ one to be envied because I¿m not tied down. Though it is true I¿m not held down by family and a husband, it doesn¿t make things always so easy. Case in point: socializing. More and more people are hooked up while I¿m not really touching the service of the dating game. I don¿t really understand the rules, the strategy or the tricks and traps. Should I?Instead I resolve to the old, ¿It will happen in due time¿ when my nights don¿t turn out as planned. Or I have a horrible lapse in judgment like I did this weekend. I¿m not going to go into that one but I will just say that the ¿lonely monster¿ wrecked havoc on my common sense.Still, I¿m supposed to be putting myself out there. And I am. Short of the peacock feathers, the pheromones and the ¿Apply Within¿ sign draped around my neck. I guess I just want to one day be able to send those same photos back when I get them from my friends. I want to be able to say that I¿ve finally taken the plunge and holding on for dear life! Oh, but without the cute baby photos. I¿m still firm on that one!