Easy Ways to Save Money Seeing Men Through My Mother¿s Eyes On Being Multiracial and Finding a Match Lessons from Power Couples Swarm How to Make Your Boyfriend Go to Church with You The Psychological Problems that Accompany Interracial Relationships Romega Loveawake Mscoastchamber Loveawake White Woman¿s Burden 5 Reasons Me and Teens are a Match Letter to a Fabulous and Confused Woman Show Up Even When You Don¿t Feel Like It You Can Never Go Home Again Always Do Your Best When Dating There¿s No Such Thing as ¿Too Good to be True¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ My list of the top ten sexiest men of 2008 to 2009, not in particular order.Mark Begich:In the political left triumph of the 2008 elections, Senator Begich goes nearly unnoticed, but the 47 year old took out the then longest serving Republican Ted Stevens; otherwise known as Senator No. The pro-choice Begich¿s victory would later lead to give the Democratic Caucus a filibuster proof majority, but few know that Begich is a dedicated family man with a young son and is married to a very successful young business woman who kept her maiden name.Tahmoh Penikett:I felt like I had lost a dear friend after the dramatic conclusion of the great show Battlestar Galatica was aired, and I have to note my favorite actor on that show. Actually that would be Aaron Douglas (Tyrol), but his romantic rival on the show, Helo, played by the Canadian Penikett stands out among the shows young studs. Penikett was originally only going to be in the Battlestar Galatica¿s initial mini-series, but fans liked Helo so much they made Penikett a regular actor on the show (and Helo was later revealed to be the father of the human race).Monta Ellis: